*Food, Travel & Healthy Living Blog*

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Eating Healthy to Live Longer

How to Live Longer by Eating Healthy

In addition to an active lifestyle, healthy eating increases blood flow, decreases your risk of cancer & heart disease, and keep your bones and body moving. Healthy foods like vegetables and fruits, as well as fish, can dramatically increase your chances to live longer. Healthy food creates energy inside our bodies and provides minerals and vitamins that are needed to keep us going. Learn how you can live longer by eating health

Follow the tips below to eat to:
1.     Eat a healthy breakfast of fruits and either oats, fiber cereals or yogurts. Bananas provide numerous benefits for the body, including adding calcium, fighting depression and stabilizing moods.

2.     Drink flavored teas or Green Teas
Green tea gets rid of the toxins in the body and makes rooms for the vitamins and minerals you receive from vegetables and fruits.

3.     Choose fish and chicken
and cut back on red meats. Fish and chicken are an excellent source of vitamins and they tend to settle in the stomach easier than red meats. They will give you the strength and iron you need to fuel your body with live energy.

4.   Eat foods high in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. These foods are considered good carbohydrates and are nutritious, filling and relatively low in calories. Eat more fish and nuts, which contain healthy unsaturated fats. Substitute olive or canola oil for butter or stick margarine.

5.     Eat your Proteins. Protein gives the energy to get up and move and keep moving. A lack of protein in your diet can slow growth, reduce muscle mass, lower immunity and weaken the heart and respiratory system. A few good sources of protein are red meats, beans and nuts. Try not to make protein the center of your diet, but eat a balanced meal with protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Remember to reduce portion sizes and don't eat as often. Don't look at certain things as off limits; when you ban certain foods from your diet you'll want those foods even more, and then you will feel GUILTY if you give in to temptation.

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